Cards for Care Homes

Help us reach our target of writing 2000 Christmas Cards to send to Care Home residents around Edinburgh.

This December we're supporting our colleague Julie Ann with her "Cards for Care Homes" Project to help bring some cheer to our local community this Festive season.

I started the project in 2020 when I was an RA and it was COVID, I realised loads of us weren't going to make it back home for the holidays with closures and border issues and I saw a couple of articles in the news about the Care Homes and how it was probably one of the most crushing times for them. People couldn't visit their family for safety reasons of course, and they couldn't leave either. So I got together a few students and we wrote maybe a couple hundred cards and took them to a handful of Care Homes in Edinburgh with some biscuits for the staff. It seemed like the nicest thing we could do to be part of the community and really show up for others in such a dark season. We dropped them off at the door waved through the glass and ran off, just like Santa's Elves. 

Julie Ann
Sport & Exercise staff member, Phd Student and Project Lead

Unfortunately Julie Ann was too unwell to complete the project in 2021 but last year, she arranged, with the help of the Equestrian Club, other Sports Club members and Sport & Exercise staff,  for 500 cards to be written and delivered to Care Homes across the city to help brighten the day of residents, and especially those who might be isolated or lonely at this of year.  This year she is aiming to quadruple that to 2000 cards!

I know there's lots of people in care homes that might feel isolated by the holidays, or may not have anyone to come see them. My grandmother was a big card writer and mom still is and I love that it's a bit of a dying art in the digital age; but it's so nice to just have someone think about you enough that they took the time to hand write something. I know it's small, and it may sound cheesy but it's become one of my favourite Holiday Traditions here. I'm really grateful that the Equestrian Team has put up with me hauling in a bag of cards every November and December going "alright it's that time again!

Join us at one of our card writing sessions

Help us reach our target of 2000 cards by joining us at one of our card writing sessions. No booking needed, just let the team at reception know you have come to write some cards! Festive attire encouraged!

  • Monday 04 December. Drop in anytime between 12:30 and 14:00 - Bells Meeting Room - Pleasance Sport Complex and Gym
  • Thursday 07 December. Drop in anytime between 12:00 and 14:00 - Seminar Room - Pleasance Sport Complex and Gym

Thank your for your support.