Feeling Good App

A free audio based app to boost your mental health

Postive Mental Training

Positive Mental Training is a self help programme for

  • stress,
  • depression
  • anxiety 
  • for building confidence
  • coping
  • wellbeing

It can build resilience and decrease burnout and is also used for sleep problems, chronic pain, migraine etc.

The programme consists of 12 audio tracks . Each track , lasting 18 minutes, is ideally listened to 5 times a week, and in this way the whole programme takes 12 weeks to complete. However research has shown that there is considerable benefit after 4 weeks. 

The Feeling Good App Positive Mental Training is available as an IOS or Android App called Feeling Good: Postive Mindset

The app is free to download, and comes preloaded with

  • 1st track of Positive Mental training
  • 2 shorter taster tracks – Confidence Boost and Body Scan -a relaxation track,
  • 3 minute mindfulness
  • a spoken introduction

Normally the rest of the programme can be purchased however we are delighted to offer  the "locked’  content free of charge to University Students and Staff.

To access the "locked" content, using the following log in details in the App:

  • Username: uoesport
  • Password: positive

You can set up listening reminders as well. The app has 2 mental health questionnaires, so you can assess your health status, this also helps us to assess the helpfulness of the programme (anonymously) .