Open to EveryBody

University of Edinburgh Sport & Exercise is proud to be open to everybody and is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming community environment for all.

Our Values

  • We are Open to Everybody -  we are welcoming, fair and equal
  • We believe Anything is Possible - we are innovative and aspirational
  • We Enable Excellence - we are professional, supportive and are committed to continuous improvement

How we live our values in everything we do?

Everybody at Sport & Exercise is committed to "living our values" every day. How do we ensure that we are Open to Everybody?

  • Greet everyone with a smile
  • Make eye contact and engage positively with customers and each other
  • Be honest and enthusiastic
  • Listen and take action
  • Combat prejudice and celebrate diversity
  • Challenge unacceptable behaviour
  • Treat everybody with dignity and respect

We are committed to making our services and facilities accessible to everybody with an open armed invitation that makes people feel welcome.

Further Information