Code of Conduct

University of Edinburgh Sport & Exercise is proud to be open to everybody and is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming community environment for all. All users of our facilities and services must abide by our Code of Conduct.

Updated 19 April 2024

General member and customer code of conduct

University Sport & Exercise may refuse to admit any person to the Facilities, or may request that a person leaves the Facilities, if University Sport & Exercise reasonably believes that the person has breached any of University Sport & Exercise Rules. No refund will be made to such person where they are asked to leave the Facilities in such circumstances.  

1.1. Wear clean clothes and footwear which are appropriate to the activity or exercise being undertaken. Examples of inappropriate clothing include; jeans, clothing displaying offensive slogans, boots, flip-flops/sandals or work wear.

1.2. Adhere to notices, signage, or plasma screen information displayed in the Facilities, on the Website or the instruction of a University Sport & Exercise staff member.

1.3. Pay any amounts due and owed to University Sport & Exercise within 14 days following the date of the written notice of the amount due.

2.1. Behave in a disorderly, violent or rude manner, or in a manner which causes or is likely to cause offence or distress to other Members, Guests or staff. Behaviour of this type is a material breach of University Sport & Exercise Rules.  

2.2. Behave, in the reasonable view of University Sport & Exercise, in a way likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony, staff, or reputation of University Sport & Exercise, or to compromise the reasonable enjoyment of others. 

2.3. Abuse, damage, deface, steal or misappropriate University Sport & Exercise property or the property of any person, whether deliberately or recklessly. Any wilful, negligent or deliberate damage to University Sport & Exercise property will be chargeable to the individual concerned. 

2.4. Bring, consume, enter or use the Facilities or engage (or attempt to engage) any of the Services while under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other mood altering substances.  

2.5. Consume food other than in the designated areas.

2.6. Remove any University Sport & Exercise property from the Facilities, or move equipment from one gym to another.  

2.7. Provide false or misleading information for the purposes of gaining membership for themselves or any other person.

2.8. Allow another person to use their Membership card to access the Facilities and/or Services provided.

2.9. Brings any person onto the Facilities on an unauthorised basis.

2.10. Harass, victimise or discriminate against any Person on grounds of age, disability, race, ethnic or national origin, religion or beliefs, sex, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity, marriage or civil partnership, colour or socio-economic background.

2.11. Display Threatening or abusive behaviour, acts of physical violence or commit criminal offences within Facilities.

2.12. Make false, frivolous, malicious or vexatious complaints.

3.1. Photography for personal use. Users may, whilst respecting the privacy of others, use mobile devices to photograph or film themselves within gym spaces. Photography and video recording is prohibited in changing rooms, toilets, at the swimming pool and during group exercise classes. Users must not photograph or record other users without their knowledge and consent. Users must cease photography or video recording if asked by a member of Sport & Exercise staff. Sport & Exercise reserve the right to withdraw this privilege to all or individual members. 

3.2. Photography for commercial/promotion use. No photographic equipment, mobile phones, tablets, laptops or videography equipment shall be used by the Member in the facilities for commercial or promotional use without prior written permission from Sport & Exercise. Please contact

Code of conduct whilst using  facilities 

Considerate. Respectful. Safe


  • Wipe down and return equipment when you are finished
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour to a member of staff
  • Dress appropriately. Sportswear and trainers only
  • Be mindful of others and respect the space
  • Ensure you know how to use equipment safely. If in doubt ask for help
  • Use the changing facilities and lockers. Only take essential items to the gym floor
  • Allow others to work in
  • Ask if you need a spotter
  • Use the clips provided
  • Return equipment to the appropriate rack
  • Keep chalk contained and off the floor
  • When using the Vaults - only lift overhead when seated
  • When using MyGym and Eleiko - perform Olympic bar work on a platform

Please don't...

  • Wear inappropriate clothing including jeans, boots, flip-flops/sandals, work wear or clothing displaying offensive slogans, images or logos
  • Make or receive phone/video calls. Take unauthorised photos/videos


  • Allow staff 10 minutes to set up your booking
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour to a member of staff
  • Dress appropriately. Sportswear and trainers only
  • Be considerate of others and only enter the Sports Hall during your booking time
  • Ensure you know how to use equipment safely. If in doubt ask for help
  • Use the changing facilities and lockers. Only take essential items to the Sports Hall
  • Tidy up and dispose of any rubbish after your booking
  • Eat in designated areas only

Please don't

  • Wear inappropriate clothing including jeans, boots, flip-flops/sandals, work wear or clothing displaying offensive slogans, images or logos
  • Make or receive phone/video calls. Take unauthorised photos/videos
  • Undress or change your clothes in the Sports Hall
  • Stay in the Sports Hall after your booking time


  • Wipe down and return equipment when you are finished
  • Report any inappropriate behaviour to a member of staff
  • Dress appropriately. Sportswear and trainers only
  • Be mindful of others and respect the space
  • Ensure you know how to use equipment safely. If in doubt ask for help
  • Use the changing facilities and lockers. Only take essential items to the class
  • Arrive early and be ready to start when the class begins
  • Bring a bottle of water and stay hydrated
  • Remember to sign in on the register. Failure to do so will result in a no-show on your profile which could impact your ability to book classes in future

Please don't

  • Wear inappropriate clothing including jeans, boots, flip-flops/sandals, work wear or clothing displaying offensive slogans, images or logos
  • Make or receive phone/video calls. Take unauthorised photos/videos
  • Enter if the class has already started of if there is a barrier across the door


  • Report any inappropriate behaviour to a member of staff
  • Be mindful of others and respect the space
  • Use the lockers provided to store your belongings during your session
  • Use aerosols with consideration
  • Use the bins provided
  • Remember to take all your belongings with you after your session
  • Dry off in the shower area
  • Wear appropriate clothing in the sauna

Please don't

  • Make or receive phone/video calls. Take unauthorised photos/videos
  • Leave valuables unsecured