Personal Training

Whether you want to need help and guidance for your fitness journey, train for an event or simply struggle with the commitment of a long term plan exercise programme, personal training could be the answer.

What to Expect

Personal training starts with an initial consultation to assess your physical capabilities and current state of health. This will allow him/her to assess if you are safe to train, provide you with an opportunity to establish the training goals you want to accomplish and also set a benchmark against which to measure your progress.

A good personal training programme will be changed regularly, not only for variety but also to allow for continued progression. The programme should be flexible to your needs - most trainers offer either one-to-one or small group sessions with partners or friends.

Having a regularly scheduled appointment is great for maintaining your motivation. Not only will you have someone else to report back to, but you’ll also be taking part in a structured and realistic programme designed to deliver maximum results in the minimum of time.

Please see all the independent Sport & Exercise-approved trainers below.

Ali is a Personal Trainer based at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Andrew is a Personal Trainer based at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Ainzlie is a Personal Trainer working out of the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Fabrizio is a Personal Trainer based at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Hannah is a Personal Trainer based at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Jonny Corbett, Personal Trainer at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Lee Meadows, Personal Trainer at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Martin offers PT sessions at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym

Max is a Personal Trainer based at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym.

Rosie offers PT sessions at the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym