Remote consultation Guide

A guide to our remote consultations

FASIC guide to remote consultation

Updated 15/08/23


Decide if telephone or video is right for you
  • If you need general information or self-care tips, use
  • Video consultations can provide more visual information but a telephone consultation may also work well.
  • BUPA and AXA/PPP support remote consultation. Please check with us first if you use a different insurance provider.
  • If you do not have the following technical requirements then telephone is more appropriate.
Get Set Up

You will need the following to get started:

  • A good internet connection and a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed.
  • Space to move around or practice exercises suggested by your clinician.
  • A computer, tablet or smartphone with a built-in camera and microphone, or headset.
  • Test your audio and video connection and adjust the settings so you can see and hear well (or get someone to do this for you).
  • Check our clinic information for what else you need to do (different video platforms have slightly different set-ups).
Booking and Connecting
  • Make a remote consultation appointment by following the instructions from the clinic and indicate your preference for telephone or video.
  • Just before your appointment time, click the connection link. Our system works better if you are in the consultation first. Please wait for the clinician to join you in the meeting.
  • Say hello or wave when you see the clinician (You may both have to make adjustments to your sound or camera to ensure you can hear and see each other).
  • Expect the clinician to ask questions to check your ID, and obtain your consent.
  • Make sure the clinic knows your telephone number so they can call you back if the connection fails.
  • If you have not joined the meeting in the first 5 minutes, the clinician will call your supplied telephone number to check you are still available.
  • Please call or email the clinic if you are having technical problems.
Having your consultation
  • Look at the screen (there’s no need to look directly at the camera).
  • If all goes well, the call will feel like a face to face appointment.
  • Wear appropriate clothing ie. shorts if you have a knee or ankle issue, and use the screen camera to show things like site of pain, swelling or a bruise.
  • If you get cut off and can’t reconnect, wait for a phone call.
  • Write down any advice or instructions, and make sure you know the next steps outlined at your appointment.
  • When you have both said goodbye, disconnect.