Trans Equality Policy

We are committed to The University Trans Equality Policy 

As part of its wider Equality and Diversity strategy the University is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming community where staff and students are enabled to meet their full potential and are treated as individuals.

This includes providing support and understanding to those individuals who wish to take, or have taken, steps to present themselves in a gender different to their birth gender. The University recognises that this can be a very difficult and complex time for an individual and would wish to act in a sensitive and supportive way by having helpful policies and practices in place to ease any transitional period.

We fully recognise our legal responsibility to protect the rights of transgender people and to ensure that no individual is subject to discrimination or victimisation as a result of the gender in which they present themselves.

Changing and toilet facilities

Sport & Exercise offers a number of changing facilities at our different sites;

  • Pleasance Sport Complex and Gym - single sex and gender-neutral/Accessible changing facilities and Gender Neutral Toilets
  • Peffermill Playing Fields - changing rooms that are assigned on demand
  • St Leonard’s Swimming Pool -  shared shower block, individual cubicle changing facilities and single sex changing
  • St Leonard’s Gyms - single sex toilets and changing rooms  (under review)
  • Easter Bush - single sex changing rooms and gender neutral cubical changing facilities
  • Firbush - single sex toilets and changing rooms (under review)

So we can best meet the needs and expectations of those in transition we would ask individuals to contact us at as part of their transition plan. We can then agree which changing and toilet facilities are the most suitable/appropriate, recognising that an individual’s needs may change over time.

Further Information