COVID 19 terms and conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before making a booking at Sport & Exercise

Government Guidance

We recommend that you keep up to date with Scottish Government guidance on health, physical distancing, and hygiene. Please be aware that Sport & Exercise may need to adapt to any changes in guidance at short notice.

Coronavirus in Scotland Guidance (external site)

Section 1:  COVID-19 Symptoms

1.1. Please don’t allow any member of your booking party to visit the facility if they have had, or have been in contact with anyone, within the last 14 days who has any symptoms of illness including, but not limited to, high temperature, cough, sickness, and loss of taste/smell. Click here for more information.

Section 2: National Governing Body / Organisation Guidance by sport

2.1. Please refer to guidance produced by the relevant Scottish Governing Body of Sport and ensure your booking operates as per the guidance. More information can be found at this link. 2.2. All sports organisations providing children’s activity must abide by relevant SGB guidance and have a named ‘Covid Officer’ who will complete documented risk assessments

Section 3: Adult/Child Ratios

3.1. All adults involved in coaching / actively engaging with children in an organised environment should have undertaken appropriate SGB safeguarding and, where available, Covid-19 training. 3.2. The assigned ‘Covid Officer’ should always ensure appropriate ratios of coach/adult to child as per SGB guidance and follow all related safeguarding advice.

Section 4: Spectating

4.1. No spectating should take place other than where a parent is supervising a child or vulnerable adult. Physical distancing guidance should always be followed.

Section 5: Supervision of young children

5.1. Parents/guardians who are supervising their children should abide by Scottish Government physical distancing guidance and stay at least 2m away from those out with their own household. Groups of parents from different households should not congregate before, during or after the activity

Section 6: Participation Limit

6.1. The participant limit should be set to current NGB/SGB guidance or what the facility stipulates. The maximum capacity is based on the lower of these figures.

Section 7: First Aid

7.1. Please report all First Aid instances to a member of Sport & Exercise staff immediately. 7.2. In the event of first aid treatment being required a suitably qualified coach/supervising adult may require to attend to a child. The sports organisation ‘Covid Officer’ should consider processes for managing this as part of the risk assessment. This could include but not be limited to; 7.2.1. Provision of suitable PPE 7.2.2. Training of coaches/supervising adults 7.2.3. Presence of one parent/guardian being required at the activity

Section 8: Hygiene, health and safety

8.1. Sport & Exercise asks that all members of your booking party practice good hygiene, including using the hand sanitiser provided, ensuring personal equipment is cleaned before visiting the facility and avoiding unnecessary contact with other users.

Section 9: Punctuality

9.1. Sport & Exercise asks that you arrive and vacate your booking in a timely manner in order to prevent the crossover of participants.

Section 10: Physical Distancing

10.1. Sport & Exercise asks that you observe and follow the one way system and playing zones clearly marked on our signage. 10.2. Children aged 11 years and younger are not required to physically distance, as set out in Scottish Government guidance. 10.3. For older children aged 12-17 a ‘field of play bubble’ can be created during organised sports activity that allows contact whilst the activity is taking place, in effect suspending physical distancing guidelines for the duration of the activity. 10.4. Normal physical distancing guidelines will however apply before and after the activity takes place ‘Covid Officer’ should consider appropriate mitigating actions 10.5. Specific consideration should be given to supervision of children under the age of 5 years as it is not appropriate for young children to maintain the models of physical distancing that are suitable for older children, either practically or in terms of child development.

Section 11: Equipment and Facilities

11.1. Where possible bring your own equipment with you. Only bring the minimum amount of equipment that you need to participate. 11.2. Clean and wipe down your equipment, including water bottles before and after use. 11.3. Ensure you take all personal belongings and equipment with you at the end of the session and do not leave or store anything at the venue/facility.

Section 12: Travelling to and from Sport & Exercise facilties

12.1. Please ask all participants to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before leaving home. 12.2. Please follow all travel guidance issued by the Scottish Government at Staying Safe & Protecting Others: Getting Around

Section 13: Payment

13.1. All payment must be made in advance or on the day of your booking by card/contactless payment. No cash will be accepted.