Pleasance to host TestED sample collection point

From Monday 6 September the Pleasance Sport Complex and Gym will host a testED sample collection point that can be used by University of Edinburgh students and staff who hold a valid Sport & Exercise gym membership.

Where will the TestED collection point at the Pleasance be?

The TestEd collection point will be located opposite the TRX room in the corridor from the Eric Liddell Gym towards the Studio staircase and MyGym.

Information about, and how to join, the TestED study

What is the TestED project?

TestED is the University's COVID-19 testing project – aiming to identify those who are infected with the COVID-19 virus but have no symptoms of the infection. Such "asymptomatic" cases are known to be a frequent cause of unknowing transmission of the virus to other people and thereby spread within communities.

The aim of the TestEd project is to identify asymptomatic cases amongst University students and staff by regular testing for carriage of the COVID-19 virus. Any individuals who test positive will be advised to self-isolate and seek a follow-up NHS diagnostic test.

Who can join?

Any student or staff member of the University of Edinburgh, or other educational institution or organisation can choose to join TestEd provided they are free from symptoms of COVID-19, are at least 16 years old, and are able to provide a saliva sample.

What does it involve?

After you have read the study information sheet, participation involves consenting to provide a saliva sample, ideally up to twice a week, when you are in Edinburgh/or other educational institution or organisation local area, for the duration of the study which will last for around 6 months.

The result of your test will be made available to you by text message, or if you do not have a smart phone, by email. You will be required to provide some details about yourself when you register, including consent to be emailed a link to a short online survey that will ask about your experience of participating in TestEd. Any data you provide will be anonymised to all but a very few appropriately trained members of the TestEd Team, the Sponsor for governance purposes, and possibly a statutory study regulator.

By identifying and advising those individuals who test positive to seek an NHS diagnostic test and to self-isolate as per University of Edinburgh or other educational institution or organisation and government guidelines, we hope to ensure that studying and working within the University of Edinburgh and other educational institution’s and organisation’s  campuses will be safer for all.