The Green Gown Awards recognise the exceptional sustainability initiatives and projects being undertaken by universities and colleges. We are delighted to have been shortlisted in the ‘Campus of the Future 'category for the 2021 Green Gown Awards held in association with UK Research & Innovation. We submitted a bid based on the social responsibility & sustainability changes we’ve made during the past few years. In 2017 we started our journey to change the way we operated and have implemented to following small changes, which we feel can make a big difference: Updated to LED lighting throughout all our facilities. Changed from traditional cleaning products to more environmentally friendly alternatives. Extended our partnership with clothing brand Player Layer and chose to utilise their eco layer range clothing products to reduce the use of plastics within the manufacturing process. Partnered with Sigg water bottles to remove the use of single-use plastic and encourage people to utilise re-usable bottles. Removed drinks vending machines and replaced them with a Yanga drinks station. The award ceremony will be a virtual event on Wednesday 24th March at 4pm Green Gown Awards Virtual Ceremony View the Sport & Exercise submission Publication date 17 Mar, 2021