Prehabilitation for Runners

Supporting you to run

The Prehabilitation for Runners workshop is run by experienced sports physiotherapist Linda Linton who uses her clinical experience, and involvement in research on injury prevention and factors associated with running injury to teach the latest concepts and evidence-based practice in injury reduction practices for runners.  

Throughout the morning, you will take part in learning a programme of neuromuscular facilitation, strength, proprioceptive, flexibility and plyometric exercises. Running specific warm-ups, cool-downs, recovery strategies and tips for gait retraining will be taught. 

This course is suitable for those about to start running for the first time, new to running, or if you want to improve your running and help minimize injury risk and maximize performance.  

Please note that this workshop is designed to help the participant reduce their risk of running-related injury, and therefore anyone who has a significant injury affecting their participation in running should book in individually with one of our physiotherapists for assessment. 


Start Date Duration Time Location Cost  Booking

7th October 2023


9:30am - 12:30pm Bells Conference Room, Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym


Book Here

Please note that payment and registration form must be completed within 72 hours of registering online otherwise your name will be removed from the course. 


Previous participants have said:

I really enjoyed the course and Linda is such a natural teacher... Linda could get round us all to check we were doing exercises correctly.  Thank you Linda for making it so enjoyable

I was doing some of the exercises before but too fast and with a lack of control.  Can feel a huge difference.

This is just what I am needing…I really enjoyed the class so thank you very much!